
squad goals

Whether you were running through the 6 or watching Taylor Swift and her model brigade take over the world, it’s easy to say this was the summer of #squadgoals. This got me thinking – who are all the friends that make up said “squad”? Well, throughout our lifetime, we will make a lot of “friends,” (just look at your number on Facebook). Some will be acquaintances, while others are frenemies, but most importantly, few will be best friends. So, I’ve compiled a few types of friends every “squad” has:

The “Childhood” Best Friend
This one has known you your whole life. They loved you through your awkward phase and were there for your first dates, heartbreaks, and missteps. It may have been awhile since you have caught up, but when you do, it’s just like old times.

The “Sibling” Best Friend
Yes, they may be blood, but siblings are the best friends that don’t have a choice but to love you. They’re the ones you love to hate, but the ones you can’t live without. When all is said and done, you know you can count on them for anything.

The “Attached at the Hip” Best Friend
You do everything together. They know every detail of your life – the snack you had after lunch, the red light you ran on your way home, the boy you swiped right. They know it all. You sometimes wonder how you haven’t run out of things to talk about, but when that happens, your comfortable with sitting in silence. Separation anxiety is a real thing and should be avoided at all cost.

The “I’ve got my Life Together” Best Friend
In between work, working out, hosting dinner parties, wine nights, and calling it a night with her BAE, this one can do it all. You aspire to have your life as put together as she does. If she can’t hang out, you understand why – she’s probably saving the world, traveling the world, or most likely ruling it.

The “Life of the Party” Best Friend
Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife. Hide yo liver. Guys love her. Girls love her – or at least love to hate her. But, there’s no denying she is the life of the party. This friend may lack a filter and have stories for days, but that’s what makes them great. They bring the laughter, the love, and enough stories to last a lifetime. There’s never a dull moment with this one.

The “Mom” Best Friend
You know you wouldn’t have made it far without this one. She remembered all your doctors appointments (when you didn’t), wished you good luck before every big event, and sends you inspiring texts “just because.” She’s the thoughtful one, the loyal one, and the one who kicked you into gear when you needed it. She is often referred to as the mom of the group, because she somehow keeps everyone in line.

The “Instant” Best Friend
You may have ventured past work lines, struck up convo in line at the bathroom, or simply met through friends. Either way, you’re pretty sure that she’s your soul mate in female form. When you’re together, it seems like you’ve known each other for forever. This one may also fall into “attached at the hip” category.

The “Innocent/Gullible” Best Friend
She’s the worrier, the goody-two-shoes, and often the gullible one. People see her as the “innocent” one of the group – but you all know the truth. Behind those innocent eyes is the rebel child she never got to be. She may fall for things too easily, get lost every once and awhile, and laugh at her own jokes, but she’s genuine, she’s real, and, she’ll have your back no matter what.

The “Roommate” Best Friend
The roommate can be a tough one. You spend day in and day out together. Once you get past all the hair they leave behind, the stuff they leave scattered throughout the house, and the fact that they wake you up with all that noise in the morning, roommates can be pretty great… especially if their a pet. Dogs may be a man’s best friend, but cats are the single girls best friend. Shout out to Rue, Abby, and Shankly!

It takes a village to raise a child, right? Well, in that case it takes all these friends to get me to and through my twenties. #SquadGoals



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